Thursday, September 4, 2008

My first 5K jogathon results

Filled with excitement, nervousness and pride participating in my very first 5K Jogathon after being regular at my jogging schedules daily I had confidence that though I may not end up winner but finish up the 5K track with out any hiccups.
Finally the moment was on and everyone started jogging competing each others I started running too!! keeping up my steady pace thinking I can increase my pace slowly after reaching a distance but there been few joggers who catch up a good pace at the start itself and maintained well distanced gap between us which we never could compete to overtake. And the same gap been through entire the race and they finally finished up winners and I end up 6th struggling and exhausted.
Anyway being winners or losers all just part of the game it was important gaining the experience running such long track and keeping up the spirits to run more such races and surely win some race later.

Me with my mates ready for the Jogathon
Ready Set Go..........
All exhausted, sweating & drooling!!!


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