Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calender. And considered to be a prominent occasion in the South East Asian countries and working in Malaysia got me to see these celebrations pretty closely. About 25% of the Malaysian population is Chinese, Kuala Lumpur is a well packed place with all the nationalities including Malaysian, Chinese & Indian.
2009 CNY had been a bit different unlike others I spent in KL one of our boss had arranged for a open house party for the CNY and invited us to join them. And frankly I'm the one who has a big YESSSS on face for trying any new foods or any new adventures and I was the one who readily agreed to go to their place and see how it would be to share their chinese new year celebrations.
After we all gathered we started driving and managed finding their home which was a beautiful house by mid afternoon just by seeing the footwear lying outside the house I could estimate the celebrations inside. We went in there greeted all the people in and our boss and she just introuduced her hubby and few others to all of us and shared some time with us and we all later joined the lunch table with her and tried few special dishes of their's and spent the rest of time gambling, glancing the house and chit-chatting and after everything its the chinese tradition to give guests who are single "lucky money" in red envelopes. Red symbolizes fire, which according to legend can drive away bad luck. And came back and just hope this Chinese New Year of OX gets good luck to each and everyone and sheds some magic in everyones life.


Unknown said...

for me its the long long holidays that makes me chinese new year special :P

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