Monday, February 9, 2009

Just Another Piece of Crap on Rediff

I just come across this one while reading highlighted to be as
Claim your undelivered tax refund from I-T site but unfortunately any one who had tried this would have been fall flat with the way the website works. Just wonder how come one could do such press releases of their product with such blunders lying in it.
It really sounded good that someone has come up with the idea of providing the information on the undelivered tax from the IT department but yet again it just showcased the half done work of the IT department and blind editing of Rediff for such articles.


Unknown said...

true dude.. it sucks big time.
I tried once, but ended with lot of frustration.

A lay man would never understand the procedure


ASHU said...

Yeah exactly it really sucks!!
Never been happy with the services provided on the WEB by Indian IT dept.

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